GenWeld is an intra oral syncrystaliser , that can be used intra orally in the patients mouth to syncrytalise a titanium bar to mutiple titanium abutments of dental implants. It is safe to use in all patients, expect those have a pacemaker. It provides a quick, reliable way to splint various implants together there by allowing distribution of occlusal forces and improving resistance against micro movement between bone and implant interface when implants are immediately loaded, This allows osseointigration to occur undisturbed during the healing phase.
It can be used for single piece implants with solid abutments , and for 2 piece implants with screw retained hollow abutments.
There are various diameters of titanium bars available, which can be used as per the case indication.
Information on product and usage can be see on the video link provided below
Along With GenWeld, we offer 20 Nos Titanium Wires and as a bonus, you'll receive a complimentary upcoming Implant course to enhance your skills.